The Season of Reemergence cover of The Dramatist includes an illustration of a chrysalis hanging from a budding branch and emerging monarch butterfly
The 2021 New Media Survey Report

In 2021, The Dramatists Guild’s New Media Committee sent out a survey to the DG members regarding the state of digital performance. The mission was to collect data that could give us a preview into the lives of our writers during this strenuous, complicated but ultimately innovative time period. We as writers, and as individuals were challenged beyond our wildest imaginations; forced to dream up new ways of creating theater without the theatre itself. Isolated, we pushed forward; we found alternate routes of sharing, used technology to expand our global reach, and continued to do what we do best: create. Our questions in this survey ranged vastly and sought to understand the experiences of our members both at their core and big picture. How has this time period changed us? Is live streaming now a viable form of theatre?

  • stream at a concert in a hall without spectators
  • Bar chart displaying the results to "What was your overall experience with producing or rehearsing works online?"
    What was your overall experience with producing or rehearsing works online?
  • Bar chart displaying the results to "Rate how well the technology worked for your production. This includes rehearsals and workshop productions."
    Rate how well the technology worked for your production. This includes rehearsals and workshop productions.
  • Pie chart displaying results to "How many of your works were produced online last year?"
    How many of your works were produced online last year?

What work did we create in this time? How do we feel about it? Were we paid what we deserved? Was our work protected under contract? And what are the advantages/disadvantages to this virtual/hybrid world? The survey set out to find the answers—from 466 responses—these are the results.

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Maeve Ryan
Maeve Ryan

is a professionally trained performer turned writer. As a recent grad from New York University, she has studied globally in creative nonfiction, poetry, playwriting, and journalism. She is the sole recipient of the Bevya Rosten memorial award for writing at NYU this spring 2022. Her origins in creativity make her a verbal storyteller, with a particular interest in finding the vulnerable truths of humanity. She is the founder of SoHo Playhouse’s The Lighthouse Series and does freelance writing work across the world, most notably, in Dublin and London. She was the spring intern at the Dramatists Guild and hopes to uplift artists globally in this strenuous, unknown time.