The Young Dramatists Issue 1
Jiehae Park: Dear Writer

Inspired by Maria Popova’s beautiful book The Velocity of Being, we’ve scattered letters of encouragement from some of your peers across the country. We hope their words bolster you through your drafts, readings, productions, and reviews.

Jiehae Park

Dear Writer,

I am sending you this letter
from far away
from long ago
from alongside you
from right now
from our peculiar position of having taken up
this seemingly absurd task
that has become how we spend our days
which, as Annie Dillard (smart lady) once wrote,
is how we spend our lives.

I am writing you this letter
to remind you
to remind me
that we have been here before.

That the first time
at least
we came out of love.

Remember. And good luck.


Jiehae Park
Jiehae Park

s plays include peerless, Hannah and the Dread Gazebo, The Aves, and Here We Are Here. She is a former Tow Fellow and Hodder Fellow; current  NYTW Usual Suspect, Lincoln Center Theater writer in residence, and New Dramatist. BA, Amherst; MFA, UCSD.